Syv norske på Cartoon Movie


Cartoon Movie finner sted i Lyon, Frankrike 5.-7. mars 2014. I år presenteres hele syv norskproduserte animerte langfilmer overfor et internasjonalt marked.

Cartoon Movie samler profesjonelle animasjonsprodusenter fra hele Europa og presenterer animerte langfilmprosjekter i ulike produksjonsstadier. Blant årets utvalgte prosjekter som skal presenteres er tre norskproduserte langfilmer i tidlig produksjonsfase (Amundsen & Nobile, Nissen på Haugen, Elleville Elfrid og sykkeltyven), samt to internasjonale samproduksjoner hvor norske produsenter medvirker (The Tower, Richard the Stork) og to ferdigproduserte norske animerte langfilmer som er klar for et internasjonalt marked (Solan og Ludvig: Jul i Flåklypa, Hokus Pokus, Albert Åberg!).

I det følgende presenteres de fem prosjektene som er under utvikling:

Amundsen & Nobile - Mikrofilm, regi: Kajsa Næss
After winning the race for the South Pole, polar superstar Amundsen’s life seems meaningless. His solution: to conquer the North Pole! He’s had it with skiing, so he orders an airship. Italian engineer Nobile dreams of glory. He is physically weak and a bit lazy, so when Amundsen orders an airship, he seizes the opportunity. Nobile brings along his beloved dog: Titina. But Titina falls for Amundsen. A love triangle dawns. A nostalgic comedy about broken dreams, ruthless ambition and a misplaced dog.


Nissen på Haugen - Trollfilm, Filmbin, regi: Anita Killi
During a winter storm in the wild, Norwegian mountains, the tiny, mythical barn gnome Nissen fights for his life in the drifting snow. In the fight against the cold and loneliness, he nearly gives up hope. Maja arrives at granny’s mountain farm to celebrate Christmas. In the stable, on Christmas Eve, Nissen discovers that the sow is in labour, and uses dynamite to warn the broken family, and together they save the piglets. For the first time Maja reaches into her mother’s heart – and is met.


Elleville Elfrid og sykkeltyven - Kool Produktion
Henry turns five and gets a brand new bicycle for his birthday. His best friend Ella is very excited, now they can go biking together. The following morning, Henry’s bike is stolen. Ella feels very guilty as she was the one who told Henry he did not have to lock the bike. Together the two kids start a detective agency. In this musical we see how the theft affects everyone at Sunshine Garden. Ella Bella Bingo is based upon the popular animated TV-series of the same name.


Richard the Stork - Knudsen & Streuber Medienmanufaktur (Germany), Ulysses Filmproduktion (Germany), Walking The Dog (Belgium), Mélusine Productions (Luxembourg), Den siste skilling (Norway), regi:
Orphaned at birth and raised by a stork family, sparrow Richard believes he is one of them. But when they migrate to Africa, they must reveal his true identity and leave him behind for his safety. Determined to prove he is a stork after all, Richard ventures south on his own. Joined by an eccentric owl and a narcissistic, disco-singing parakeet, they hitchhike across Europe. Along the epic journey, the tiniest stork must learn to see himself as a great sparrow to be reunited with his family.


The Tower - tenk.tv (Norway), Se-ma-for Studio (Poland), regi: Mats Grorud
Warda is 10 years old and she lives in a refugee camp - a small girl, but already a 4th generation refugee. On the roof of The Tower, Warda’s Great grandfather is dying. He’s been there for 64 years. He gives Warda a task: what path should be hers to take, and what lessons are to be learnt from the past? Warda starts her journey up The Tower. Through the different floors and generations of her family, she finds her and her family’s story. On the roof, the Great grandfather is waiting for her answer.



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  Foreningen for animert film: info@norskanimasjon.no. Støttet av Norsk filminstitutt og Fond for lyd og bilde. Webutvikling av Tvistein.