The Art of the Incredibles
Cartoon Brew melder at Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) i New York skal vise en retrospektiv utstilling av arbeidene til Pixar Animation Studios. Utstillingen markerer 20-års jubileet til studioet, og vises fra 14. desember 2005 til 6. februar 2006. Utstillingen kurateres av Steven Higgins og Ron Magliozzi fra MoMA.
Fra pressemeldingen til MoMA:
The Museum of Modern Art presents Pixar, in the most extensive theater and gallery exhibition it has ever devoted to the art of animation. Pixar Animation Studios has had worldwide critical and box office success with its feature films, from Toy Story (1995) to The Incredibles (2004). The exhibition marks the first time Pixar is lending its art collection and films. In addition to six features and a number of shorts that will be screened in MoMA?s Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters, the Yoshiko and Akio Morita Gallery will be devoted to moving image work created especially by the studio for this exhibition, illustrating the processes involved in creating their signature works. Paintings, concept art and other works on paper will be installed in the Theater Gallery and on the first floor, showing the multiple evolutions that characters and environments go through before their final on-screen incarnation. Pixar illustrates the artistry and craft of a studio devoted to making believable animated imagery and acknowledges computer-generated animation as a moving image art form.