Onsdag 4. mai arrangeres det Pixar manusmasterclass med David Freeman under Barnefilmfestivalen i Kristiansand. Masterclassen retter seg mot manusforfattere og tar for seg Pixars manusmetoder. Les mer hos Barnefilmfestivalen.
KL 16.00 – 18.30
Billetter kr. 200,- (Studenter kr. 150,-)
Billettsalg på Fønix
In-person screenwriting seminar. Explores the successful techniques employed by Pixar Shows how to use Pixar’s methods to enhance your own writing
Time and again, Pixar films delight, entertain, and move us. Though each one is different, there are clearly some secret ingredients they all have in common.
Get out your underwater flashlight and prepare to dive deep – Beyond Structure creator David Freeman will lead you to the glowing, hidden heart of this entertainment powerhouse. In “The Secrets Behind Pixar's Magic,” David reveals the secret techniques that make Pixar's films so spellbinding.
Whether you write screenplays strictly for adults, or even if you write novels, this fun, intense class will show you ways to enhance your writing, for Pixar knows how to conjure deep emotions while always being inventive and entertaining. Just think of its blockbuster hits like Up, Wall-E,Ratatouille, and Finding Nemo.
Those who've attended David's previous seminars have been enthralled, for he always sandwiches together valuable insights, practical solutions, and a warm, humor-laced style.