MTV Animotion


MTV og WESC inviterer unge nordiske kreative til animasjonskonkurranse. De beste bidragene blir vist på MTV, MTVE.COM og WETV (stream-TV på Tre vinnere blir belønnet med fine priser fra Apple, Adobe, Trapcode og WESC. Deadline er 5. april. (Denne blir etter all sannsynlighet forskjøvet med to uker.) Sjekk for mer om konkurransen.

Opprinnelig utlysningstekst:
MTV Animotion Competition
We knew you had it in you! Now show us what you can do. MTV and WESC invites you, inhabitants of the Nordic countries, to wring your brain and give us the most breathtaking animation ever to grace our channels. Apart from competing for air time on MTV, MTVE.COM and WETV, three lucky winners also have the chance to lay their hands on some really cool stuff. What to do to become the winner in MTV's Animotion Competition? Check out for more information.

Eyes on the prize!
Apart from competing for air time on MTV, MTVE.COM and WETV, three lucky winners also have the chance to lay their hands on this:

1st Prize:
- A 12" Apple PowerBook
- Adobe After Effects 7.0 Pro, for WINDOWS and OS X.
- Trapcode Suite 2005 (The very popular plug in set for Adobe After Effects. Including: Shine, Starglow, 3D Stroke, Sound Keys, Lux, Particular and Echospace.)
- WESC giftcard worth 1000 Euro

Estimated value: 4970 Euro
Any applicable taxes shall be paid by the winners.

2nd Prize:
- Adobe After Effects 7.0 Standard, for WINDOWS and OS X.
- Trapcode Suite 2005 (The very popular plug in set for Adobe After Effects. Including: Shine, Starglow, 3D Stroke, Sound Keys, Lux, Particular and Echospace.)
- WESC giftcard worth 530 Euro

Estimated value: 2250 Euro
Any applicable taxes shall be paid by the winners.

3rd Prize:
- Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0, for WINDOWS*
- WESC giftcard worth 320 Euro

Estimated value: 425 Euro
Any applicable taxes shall be paid by the winners.

(*Mac users win Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 instead)

Should you for some reason not make the top three, don't fret! Your work still has a chance of winning air time and glory on MTV and WETV, as long as we love what you've created!

The winners will be contacted via phone, so don't forget to write it down on the contract! MTV will decide in its sole discretion who the winners are. MTVs decision is final and can not be appealed.


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