Digital Storytelling 2011


13.-15. april arrangeres 6. utgave av seminaret Digital Storytelling om kreativ bruk av teknologi i film, TV og spill på Filmens hus i Oslo. Årets tema er World Building in a Digital Universe. Les mer på seminarets netttsider.

Påmeldingsfrist er 4. april for å delta på hovedseminaret 13. april på Filmens hus. 14. og 15. april arrangeres det NUKE Intermediate og Advanced Workshops med Matt Leonard fra Sphere VFX. 28. mars er påmeldingsfrist for workshopene.

Seminarprogrammet består av norske og internasjonale foredragsholdere, samt utstilling.

DIGITAL STORYTELLING 2011 World Building in a Digital Universe
April 13th Filmens hus, Dronningens gate 16, Oslo, Norway

08:15 Registration
09:00 Opening: Angela Amoroso and Kim Baumann Larsen, Founders and Directors, Digital Storytelling
09:05 KEYNOTE From Spider-Man to Avatar: Achieving Photoreal Digital Actors:
Paul Debevec, Associate Director of Graphics Research, University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies, California

10:35 Break

11:00 VFX Omelette:
A presentation of the latest projects and works in progress from: Camera Magica, Gimpville, Storm Studios, Storyline Studios, Hocus Focus, Fido (Sweden) Qvisten Animation and Rune Spaans

12:30 Lunch

13:15 Presentation of the Best Visual Effects Award nominations: NFX
13:45 Creating Mirror’s Edge - the genesis of a video game: Owen O’Brien, Executive Producer, EA/DICE, Stockholm, Sweden
14:30 Through the wormhole: the two sides of EVE Online’s storytelling: Matt Woodward, Game Designer, CCP Games, Iceland

15:15 Break.

15:45 It’s probin’ time: an exclusive look at how the alien star of the sci-fi movie “Paul” was brought to life: Arne Kaupang, Character Animator, Double Negative
16:30 Acting & Directing in Games – clashing or converging: John Dower, Director
17:00 Acting in 3D: Heavy Rain and beyond: Pascal Langlois, Actor, Founder & CEO, Motives in Movement

17:30 Best Visual Effects: Award Presentation.

18:00 Closing remarks Kim Baumann Larsen / Angela Amoroso, Founder and Director, Digital Storytelling
18:05 Seminar ends.

18:15 Exhibition opening/ Vernissage: Visions for a Story World 2011 2nd Floor Gallery, Filmens Hus
 – Curator: Øyvind Renberg.


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