3 norske til Cartoon Movie


Det årlig europeiske pitcheforumet for animerte langfilmer, Cartoon Movie, finner sted i Lyon, Frankrike 4.-6. mars og blant de 60 prosjektene som skal presenteres finner vi tre norske.

Cartoon Movie samler profesjonelle animasjonsprodusenter fra hele Europa og presenterer animerte langfilmprosjekter i ulike produksjonsstadier. Blant årets utvalgte prosjekter som skal presenteres er tre norskproduserte langfilmer i ulike stadier av produksjonsfasen.

Elleville Elfrid og sykkeltyven / Ella Bella Bingo & the Bicycle Thief:
Ella Bella Bingo & the Bicycle Thief is a film about friendship, happiness and a missing bicycle. Henry gets a brand new bicycle for his 5th birthday, but already during the first night the bike disappears. His best friend, Ella Bella, gets the great idea of starting a detective agency, but not everyone wants the mystery solved.
Regi: Atle Blakseth
Prod: Kool Produktion, Gimpville


The Call of Nature
Life in the forest is a bit too harmonious. All the animals are friends and they live with an abundance of food in a world with no danger. But one day they discover that the life they are living is an illusion. It turns out they're actually nothing but fodder for an advanced restaurant concept for the grossly wealthy. It's up to the smallest predator in the forest, Sofie the weasel, to save them. But she will only succeed if she can come into contact with her instincts.
Regi: Rasmus A. Sivertsen
Prod: Maipo Film


The Tower
Warda is 11 years old – a small girl – but already a 4th generation refugee. Her world is a camp, and her house is the Tower, where she lives with her big family. In the Palestinian refugee camps, there is no room to build houses wider or longer – so they have to build upwards, towards the sky. Every generation builds a new floor – and on every floor there is a new story to be told. And as Warda climbs The Tower, we get to hear them too. This is an animated documentary about the light and darkness that makes up everyday life in a refugee camp. How people survive and how they die. It is a film about a young girl’s dreams, for the future, and the choices she has in life!
Regi: Mats Grorud
Prod: Tenk.tv, Cinenic (Sverige), Les Contes Modernes (Frankrike)


Sjekk alle prosjektene som presenteres her.


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  Foreningen for animert film: info@norskanimasjon.no. Støttet av Norsk filminstitutt og Fond for lyd og bilde. Webutvikling av Tvistein.